Pride of Bracknell meets Julian Starkey

Julian Starkey – John Nike Adult Award (Winner, 2017)

Prior to Pride of Bracknell Forest Awards , we reached out to 2017 winner Julian Starkey to find out more about his work with the Bracknell Athletics Club. Julian would work multiple hours a day for the benefit of the club, despite his full-time employment. The “progress and development” of Bracknell Athletics Club has been attributed entirely to his endless dedication, which won him the well-deserved John Nike Adult Award (2017).

What is your role at Bracknell Athletics Club and why did you get involved?

My current role is Chairman/Chairperson. I initially was part of the club as an athlete, but had always been involved in the background with other activities. When the opportunity to join the committee arose I did so, initially to provide a website but over time I found myself running the meetings on behalf of the previous chairman. My job involved a lot of meetings which helped the club run more effectively.

How did the club react to you winning the John Nike Pride of Bracknell Forest – Adult Award?

The club was very pleased and felt it recognised the differences I’d made since becoming chairperson. It was very humbling to be recognised for something that just needed a bit of energy to mobilise.

Who/what inspires you in your work?

I get inspiration from a wide variety of sources; seeing the athletes we coach develop as individuals, their parents who approve of the role models we provide for their children, and the feeling that I’ve truly made a difference. I suppose I follow my father in terms of working with the community and investing time into helping others.

What do the Awards mean to you and the local area?

For me, the awards highlight the great efforts people make in the area. There’s much more going on than people would expect and it’s also great to see the local community coming together with some purpose; highlighting local activities and successes helps the people in the area be proud of the facilities they have put in place. If there’s no way to find out about what’s going on and what people do, clubs wouldn’t be able to attract the volunteers, support, members and resources they need to function. The Pride of Bracknell Forest Awards provides the energy required to join the dots, making a complete picture.

Are you nominating anyone for the Pride of Bracknell Forest Awards 2019?

Yes, I am. The club has four athletes who have gained international recognition over the last year, such as competing for Great Britain. They also have taken part in several regional and national England Athletics awards for the volunteer initiative we have put in place, to enable young people to gain coaching awards and work with children taking their first steps into Athletics. The ‘Gamechanger’ team of youngsters and the athletes are worthy of nomination.